Our beach volleyball season typically runs from the beginning of June to mid/late- August. Similar to our indoor academy, beach players will have two practices a week based on skill levels. Tournaments are not required, but G3 hosts several tournaments each summer and other clubs do the same. Players are on their own to schedule tournaments and select which ones work best with their partner.
We partner with many great organizations to enhance our beach offerings including USA Volleyball, CEVA, and p1440.

Beach Academy Schedule
Beginner Training: 4:00-5:30 Tuesday/Thursday
IntermediateTraining: 5:30-7:00 Tuesday/Thursday
Advanced Training: 7:00-8:30 Tuesday/Thursday
June 4,2024- August 6, 2024
G3 Beach Tournaments
G3 hosted tournament dates found on Volleyball Life:
June 22nd
July 20th
July 27th
We will also be hosting a FREE sibling tournament July 6. Registration will be on Volleyball life as well: The Sibling Tournamnent is a fun competition for any siblings, even those who dont play volleyball. There are very little rules (only safelty rules are enforced) to allow for a fun family filled day. Last year we had 24 total teams.
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This is a sign-up for our annual beach volleyball clinic to introduce the sport to new players and to prepare others for the upcoming beach academy and tournament season. This is open to anyone and everyone including those with absolutely no experience. We are offering this clinic to current 2nd through 8th graders.
Date: June 2nd, 2024
Time: 12:30p-2:30p
Location: G3 Sports and Fitness Sand Courts (in the back of the gym parking lot)
5520 NW Highway 99 W, Corvallis, OR 97330
Sign Up Here: https://forms.gle/RpUka3JX9wqQZCDL7
There is a one-time waiver required so if you've signed up for multiple clinics, or attend future clinics or any other activities related to G3, you will not need to re-do this process. If this is not done by the time you arrive, we will ask that it is completed before letting your athlete in to participate. Here are the instructions- please complete this ASAP, even if you are attending a later clinic date.
Waiver instructions
Click Register below the Login button. If you already have a G3 account, either login or click forgot password to retrieve login info.
Create your profile as a parent.
Click Attached Members on bottom left of main profile and then add your athlete(s) as new members.
After adding new member(s), click THEIR NAME (not yours) and then click sign/view waivers under the About section.You will need to do this for each kid participating.
Sign Up Here: https://forms.gle/RpUka3JX9wqQZCDL7
We are so excited to get started on our beach season. With beach volleyball becoming more prominent in Oregon, we are happy to announce that we will be partnering with p1440 and USAV for national bid tournaments. We will also be hosting our own friendship tournaments.
This season we will be offering 3 levels of training, Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced. We will start June 4th and end August 6th.
Beginner Training: 4:00-5:30 Tuesday/Thursday
IntermediateTraining: 5:30-7:00 Tuesday/Thursday
Advanced Training: 7:00-8:30 Tuesday/Thursday
You will be put into a group according to experience and coaches assessment of skills.
Cost: $450 (non-indoor club players)
$425 (indoor club players)
$400 (Sibling discount. Both siblings must be participating in beach academy)
To hold your spot in beach academy, please come into the gym and pay. You will not be officially put in a group until you have paid. We always have a huge turn out and we take players on a first-come-first-serve basis.
USAV Membership: Players participating in beach academy must have a USAV membership. If you are playing on an indoor club team, you already have this. If you do not have one, CEVA will have their discounted Beach membership on their website by mid-May. We will also post the link on our website when it is available.
Google Form Registration:
Each player needs to fill this out. We ask that you name your player's partner, but they will need to fill out their own as well. This just helps us put them in the same training group. We highly recommend you sign up with a partner, as we cannot guarantee that there will be anyone else without a partner that you can practice with. Please reach out if you are having trouble finding one. We can give recommendations, but we encourage players to find partners on their own.
Level of Experience: In the google form we are asking for your player's level of beach experience. This does not guarantee them a spot in any particular group, but it gives us a rough estimation of their placement level.
Volleyball Life Tournament Registration: Opens MAY 1, 2024
You will go through Volleyball Life for all registration for our tournaments
You can also find many other tournaments to play in on this website.
G3 hosted tournament dates found on Volleyball Life:
June 22nd
July 20th
July 27th
We will also be hosting a FREE sibling tournament July 6. Registration will be on Volleyball life as well: The Sibling Tournamnent is a fun competition for any siblings, even those who dont play volleyball. There are very little rules (only safeltry rules are enforced) to allow for a fun family filled day. Last year we had 24 total teams.
G3 Tournament Discount: As part of your academy fee, we are offering 100% off per player for 1 (one) of our club hosted tournaments. You can choose any of the above tournaments EXCEPT the state championship as a tournament to use your discount. You will be provided the unique code to get your discount via email when you register for training.
Other Local clubs tournament Registration:
The following clubs host beach tournaments this summer as well. All clubs will be using Volleyball Life or Sports Engine as their registration platform. Below are the names of each club that can be entered into the search bar.
CCE Beach (Salem)
NPJ Beach (Salem and Bend)
Gameday Beach (Eugene)
OSVC (Eugene/Springfield)
Woks Up (Portland)
Seaside Volleyball Tournament:
Seaside Beach Volleyball tournament is the biggest amateur volleyball tournament in the world. This is held in Seaside, Oregon. If you are interested in playing, check out their website. The sooner you book your hotel for the weekend, the better. Remember, you do not have to play in this tournament or any others. You get to choose when and where your player plays.
G3 Beach Tournament Schedule and Registration:
TBD- Coming soon!